Over the last years, considerable interest has risen towards the field of reconfigurable/adaptable computing systems, with noteworthy research efforts in this direction. Especially interesting is the scenario in which this reconfiguration of the system is carried out without necessarily having to cease execution of those parts of the system that are not involved.
The successful deployment of such complex, heterogeneous, embedded or distributed reconfigurable systems to the market requires the identification, formalization, and implementation of concepts, methods, and tools not only targeting the underlying hardware architecture but also the software stack to ease the development of software components and the implementation of the system architecture.

This scenario is the one in which the DReAMS Research Line finds its roots. The definition of methodologies and software frameworks supporting the development of hardware-software system for reconfigurable systems, in the personalized medicine, genomics, machine learning, cryptography, cloud infrastructure or embedded and IoT context, industrial and consumer fields, characterizes the methodological activities.
Special attention is devoted to the definition of methodologies for developing heterogeneous distributed adaptive computing systems, studying methodologies to model, simulate, design and optimize those architectures, both in terms of performances and power consumption.